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Two marriages--bad choices.  One only lasted a little over a year and the second 9 years.  I was too young and stupid to even know what marriage was.  All during the second marriage, I drank and partied and my daughter was right in the middle of it.  I was drunk most of the years she was growing up, so I was not a good mother.  Then came my first saving grace.  I met an older man named Guy, we were companions only and were together for 6 years.  I had planned on staying with him until I died, but God had other plans.  Guy died before me and, again, I am alone.  My daughter was married and I had a grandson.  Then a new man came into my life--Phil.  We were together for 8 years, but he was still married even though they were separated.  He was too afraid to get a divorce because he knew she would take him to the cleaners.  He and I traveled all over because he was an Avionics Technician...Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Delaware, Hawaii, and then Germany.  This is where my real problems began.

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