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My Second Blessing

During those last weeks in Germany and I knew I was going back to the States, I had been chatting with a man, Ted, in Florida.  We decided I would come there and stay with him until I could find a job and an apartment.  Well, as I said, he became my second blessing.  That first year was a rough one and I almost left him and his best friend pretty much kicked his butt to let a good woman get away.  He is now a wonderful man and God and I have been working on him to accept Christ as his Saviour.  In September we'll be together 3 years and we just got married on October 18.  We are very happy together.  He may be leaving soon to go to North Dakota for a job and then I will be joining him in a few months...A new start and a new beginning for us.  Been praying about it and we feel it is God's plan for us...We just keep putting our faith in the Lord.

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